This is a great old question that is more than likely asked in every Health Food Shop, Supplement Store, Pharmacy and Chemist across the country on a daily basis by people coming in who are learning about nutrition and how protein is a big part of their daily diet.
So in saying that, what are the benefits of a high protein diet?
The benefits are numerous (and I will go into a few of the details below), also of note is that you generally won’t find a diet or type of diet that doesn’t include protein in it somewhere.
If it doesn’t have a bit of protein in it, I’d be questioning it because proteins and the amino acids contained in them are the building blocks of life and you can’t live on carbohydrates alone.
Now in regards to the my meaning of a high protein diet, I don’t mean you are having massive amounts of protein each day, I mean high protein because you are eating protein at a level higher than your carbohydrate intake and also at a bit higher rate than is usual for you and you normal diet.