What is WPI Whey Protein Isolate is a question that is asked often about protein powders.
I’d say pretty much every shop you go to either in person or online will have some sort of WPI Whey Protein Isolate protein powder for sale for you to buy, unless of course it is a full vegetarian shop.
Generally it can be called wither WPI or Whey Protein Isolate on the label or on the nutritional panel of the product you are buying.
WPI or Whey Protein Isolate is a supplement that is usually found in powder form that is created by filtering milk protein, milk protein is a byproduct of the cheese making process.
The filtering during the cheese making process ends up producing three different types of Whey Protein powder’s, they are Whey Protein Isolate WPI, Whey Protein Concentrate WPC and also Whey Protein Hydrolysate WPH (Hydrolysed).