If you don’t know the answer to what are amino acids or another one that comes to mind what are amino acid supplements, I’ll try and explain it in simple terms for you, so here we go, amino acids are the building blocks of protein and also the muscle in your body and lastly they also play an integral role to your health and well being in your body as well as many other benefits.
Amino acids can be found in nearly all the foods you eat, this includes vegetables and also meat sources of course.
All different types of foods have a different make up of amino’s in them and also these amino’s are at different strengths.
The most common source of amino acids these days comes in the form of amino acid supplements, these come in many different varieties too, these include, tablets, amino acid powders, capsules and also amino liquids to name a few, they also come in different forms across all the different category areas of supplements.
They generally form part of the ingredient profile of many supplements, these include, pre workout, intra workout, post workout formulas and also get added into protein powder supplements and the like too to boost their effectiveness.
They are sold as individual amino acids too in a single ingredient powder solution, so if you are finding yourself lacking a certain amino acid in your diet or in the supplements you are taking you can easily boost the levels up with single amino acid supplements.
Getting back to the point that amino acids are essentially the building blocks of protein in your body which are required for many important functions and processes, here is the breakdown of amino acids.
There is 20 amino acids which are grouped together to become proteins, these 20 amino acids are made up of essential and non essential amino acids which all serve a different purpose.
Nine of these 20 amino acids above are considered to be essential amino acids, this means that your body must consume them as part of your dietary intake as they cannot be manufactured in your body.
The remaining 11 amino acids are called non essential amino acids, these non essential amino acids are amino acids that are formed by your body itself.
Here are some key benefits of Amino Acids in your body ::
- They aid in muscle repair
- Helping with muscle recovery
- Promoting muscle growth
- Easily absorbed into your system
- Assist in wound healing and also injury rehabilitation
- Help with everyday wellbeing
- Help with daily and muscle energy
- Help boost your metabolic function
- Help to boost immune function
- Have a high antioxidant level
- Aiding with digestion
There you have a short and brief explanation on amino acids, how they work and the benefits of them.
Lastly with dosage of amino acids and when you should be taking them, this can come down to a few different things, what you do (i.e.; Sports or activity) and what your goals are as well as your body weight and whether you are a male or female is also taken to account with dosage and timings.
Generally amino acids should be taken across the day and probably the most effective time to take them is around your training, gym or weights session.
So pre, during and post workout is when you will see the best benefits.
Ultimately amino acid supplements and amino dense foods are a great and therefore easy way to improve your recovery to make sure you can turn up to your next training session fully recovered and ready to go.
You will only know by trying amino acid supplements yourself and then seeing how they work for you, the best time to take them and the end results.
I hope this has answered the question for you, what are amino acids.