Proto Whey by BNRG is a high protein, low carbohydrate, low fat, and low calorie protein powder that is designed to deliver more nutrients quickly to where it is needed.
This means quicker and rapid absorption into your body and so helping with quicker recovery and lean muscle building.
The protein source in Proto Whey is Micro Peptides that come from Whey Protein Hydrolysate.
One serve of the BNRG Proto Whey protein powder will give you 20 grams of protein per 34.5 gram serve.
Proto Whey has 4 grams of carbohydrates and 3 grams of fats per serve.
Proto Whey being a 100% hydrolysed whey protein powder means you get more value for your money when you use it, more value as your body can absorb the protein quickly and easily.
Also in the ingredient mix for BNRG Proto Whey is added MCT, Psyllium Fiber and L-Glutamine, this gives the protein powder even more key benefits.
BNRG is an American Supplement Brand and has been in the nutrition market place since 1991 since Kevin Lawrence founded the company called BioNutritional Research Group or BNRG for short.
BioNutritional Research Group also owns Power Crunch that specializes in protein bars.
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